Back pain affects around 1 third of the adult populationI felt inspired to write this because I have many clients with low back pain. Often they report that the pain had suddenly came on out of nowhere. Did you know that lower back pain plagues around 1 third of the adult population each year? (source). What is the root cause of back pain?Within Systematic Kinesiology there are many different ways of checking where the root cause of a symptom is coming from and addressing it accordingly with the … [Read more...] about Lower Back Pain and Kinesiology
The Vagus Nerve-what is it and why is it important?
The vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve and also the biggest and longest. It distributes from the head and neck into the thorax and abdomen.Although it is called the vagus nerve (singular) it actually runs down both sides of the body and connects the brain to all our organs.The vagus nerve also controls muscles in our neck and therefore is involved with swallowing and responsible for some of our reflex actions, such as coughing, sneezing, and vomiting.Vagal tone refers to the activity of the … [Read more...] about The Vagus Nerve-what is it and why is it important?
Support for the Emotional Effects of Covid-19
Mental and emotional health is a much talked about topic. But the global Covid19 pandemic has put it high on the agenda. With so many affected by it, support for the emotional effects of Covid-19 is an essential part of wellbeing and health.The effects of the pandemic are far reaching and we won't know the full implications until many years have passed. However, it doesn't take a scientist to tell us that grief, job loss, economic worry, concern about loss of life, isolation, and lock down rules … [Read more...] about Support for the Emotional Effects of Covid-19
The Importance of Balancing Stress
A guest blog post about stress written by Naomi Smith (Edited by TASK). Original post can be found on Naomi's website The balanced Kiwi.Management of Stress is key to being and feeling happy and healthy!In our current lifestyles, we are prone to feeling continuous stress. We worry about everything: our work, kids, relationships, finance, etc. Almost every single client I see has an unhealthy stress level which is causing physical or emotional stress within the body. We have to find our way … [Read more...] about The Importance of Balancing Stress
Kinesiology support through the Covid 19 pandemic and lockdown
There is no doubt that people's physical, mental and emotional health is being challenged during this extraordinary time in historyJust the fact that life has rapidly changed can trigger difficult emotions and feelings. Couple this with isolation from family and friends, loss of income, and perhaps even the reality of loosing a loved one (and not being able to attend their funeral), it is no wonder that people are finding it difficult to process and make sense of how they are feeling. However, … [Read more...] about Kinesiology support through the Covid 19 pandemic and lockdown
Statins – Cholesterol, Heart Attacks and Strokes
A guest blog post written by Simon Lawton (Edited by TASK). Original post can be found on Simon's website silkinesiology.Statins are big business. The miracle drug that helps prevent heart attacks and strokes is estimated to be a $10B a-year industry. Statins are drugs that are reputed to lower cholesterol, but do they work? If you measure their efficacy in terms of lowering levels of cholesterol in the body, then yes they do. But if we look at whether they reduce the risk of heart attacks and … [Read more...] about Statins – Cholesterol, Heart Attacks and Strokes
Goodbye to overwhelm
A guest blog post written by Polly Howard (Edited by TASK)I want to talk about how I said goodbye to overwhelm. I'm sure many of you relate to overwhelm. It is something I realise that I have lived with forever (as far as I can remember). In recent years, with the different situations that have arisen, from parents getting ill and dying, to moving house and countries, to losing jobs and income, I have certainly lost count of how many times I have said, I just feel so overwhelmed….Overwhelm was … [Read more...] about Goodbye to overwhelm
7 ways to boost your immune system and keep viruses away
In my opinion, prevention is better than cure, so let’s look at some of the things that can support and boost your immune system to keep you from the dreaded colds, coughs and flu and viruses.7 ways to support and boost our immune systemWarm drinks throughout the day no matter what the season boosts the immune system. It's a great tip to remember if you are feeling under par, or even better, to prevent illness.Up Vitamin C intake. The suggestion is 1 gram of Vit C with each meal to supply the … [Read more...] about 7 ways to boost your immune system and keep viruses away
How to Maintain an Ideal Weight
Kinesiology can help with weight issuesClients initially have Systematic Kinesiology for many different reasons, however, overtime, they often mention their diet and how to maintain an ideal weight. Some clients express they would like to lose a few pounds, that last stubborn half a stone, or have more to lose after being on countless diets. Other clients struggle to keep weight on or bulk up, which is equally challenging and frustrating for some. Rebalancing the body generally with Systematic … [Read more...] about How to Maintain an Ideal Weight
No longer accepting tiredness and bloating after eating changed my health, life & career
A guest blog post written by Hanna Sharpe.Constantly feeling unwell seemed to be my day-to-day normalIn 2015 I wasn’t really enjoying being me, mysteriously persistent tiredness, and bloating after eating and general constantly feeling unwell seemed to be my day-to-day normal. One day, for some reason, I decided to try a natural approach to deal with it and find out what was going on.One day, for some reason, I decided to try a natural approach to deal with it and find out what was going on.I … [Read more...] about No longer accepting tiredness and bloating after eating changed my health, life & career
Does your Thyroid need Systematic Kinesiology?
The Thyroid gland is beautifully shaped like a butterfly and has two lobes (like wings) either side of the bridge or Isthmus (like the body of a butterfly). It is a lovely brownish red colour, is rich with blood vessels and also nerves that are important for voice quality to pass through it.The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate vital body functions including the body's metabolic rate (the way our bodies use energy), as well as heart and digestive function, muscle control, … [Read more...] about Does your Thyroid need Systematic Kinesiology?
Systematic Kinesiology for Mental and Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Mental and emotional health is a much talked about topic right now. According to Mind, one in 4 people are affected every year. They explain that mental health is; "Just like physical health: everybody has it and we need to take care of it. Good mental health means being generally able to think, feel and react in the ways that you need and want to live your life. But if you go through a period of poor mental health you might find the ways you're frequently thinking, feeling or reacting become … [Read more...] about Systematic Kinesiology for Mental and Emotional Health and Wellbeing
ICV-probably the most contributing factor in poor health
The Ileocecal Valve (ICV) is found in the digestive tract between the small intestines and the large intestines. It is positioned in the lower right side of the abdomen near the appendix. The main function of the ICV is to periodically open and close in order to let food move through the digestive tract. If the ICV malfunctions it can have a major effect on health and wellbeing.A malfunctioning Ileocecal Valve is an extremely common conditionIt can produce an unbelievable list of … [Read more...] about ICV-probably the most contributing factor in poor health
What is Systematic Kinesiology?
Confused with all the different Kinesiologies and how to identify which one is authentic and for you? In this blog we share the roots of TASK and break down what is Systematic Kinesiology. Brian H. Butler (the founder of TASK and my father) began his training in Applied Kinesiology (AK) in 1975 with the founder George G. Goodheart, a chiropractor from Detroit, Michigan. Applied Kinesiology is the name used in the USA where only Chiropractors, Doctors and Acupuncturists are allowed to … [Read more...] about What is Systematic Kinesiology?
31 ways rebounding can improve your wellbeing
What is rebounding?Rebounding is movement performed on a specially-designed trampoline designed to get your heart rate up and your lymphatic system working in a low-impact and FUN way.It works your whole body whilst activating your lymphatic system to help your body to flush out toxins, bacteria and waste.A NASA study found that exercising on a trampoline was 68% more effective than jogging. Below are 31 reasons why rebounding can improve your health and wellbeing.Strengthens the heart and … [Read more...] about 31 ways rebounding can improve your wellbeing