In my opinion, prevention is better than cure, so let’s look at some of the things that can support and boost your immune system to keep you from the dreaded colds, coughs and flu and viruses.
7 ways to support and boost our immune system
- Warm drinks throughout the day no matter what the season boosts the immune system. It’s a great tip to remember if you are feeling under par, or even better, to prevent illness.
- Up Vitamin C intake. The suggestion is 1 gram of Vit C with each meal to supply the thymus and adrenal glands with the tools they need for the job. However, it’s always recommended that you use kinesiology to find out which type of Vit C is best for you.
- Consider taking Zinc – 15mg a day is suggested to cover your daily requirement for the immune and digestive systems to function well.
- Daily X-Crawl exercises to pump the lymph around the body to clean and feed every cell. This helps to support the immune system by keeping the fluids flowing through the body to deal with and destroy any imposters.
- Antioxidants to boost immune function and clear out free radicals from the body. Something like Zambroza that is a good all-rounder. Easy for all to take, even children, as a tasty fruit drink with a powerful punch.
- Aid digestion. Since our digestion is around 50% of our immune system, boosting this is essential. Drink pure water away from food. Drinking one pint, half an hour before your food (and none with food) helps the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid. Also, you may want to consider a digestive supplement if this is a problem area. Most people’s digestion is under par even without any symptoms. Something like proactazyme which is a very gentle (plant-based) digestive enzymes can improve digestive efficiency and maximize nutrient absorption and is suitable for all – although ideally, it is best to get tested by a Kinesiologist to find out for sure.
- Cold showers – Ending your shower with a burst of very cold water does wonders for the immune system, circulation, skin, stress levels, weight loss, tight muscles and helps balance emotions.
For personalised complimentary healthcare visit your local Kinesiologist. Want to know who you nearest Kinesiologist is? Take a look on our online directory.