A guest blog post written by Hanna Sharpe.
Constantly feeling unwell seemed to be my day-to-day normal
In 2015 I wasn’t really enjoying being me, mysteriously persistent tiredness, and bloating after eating and general constantly feeling unwell seemed to be my day-to-day normal. One day, for some reason, I decided to try a natural approach to deal with it and find out what was going on.
One day, for some reason, I decided to try a natural approach to deal with it and find out what was going on.
I made a snap decision to train in Kinesiology
Curiosity led me to see a local kinesiologist. I was fascinated by how kinesiology opened up communication between the body via the muscle response testing and the kinesiologist, who ‘reads’ the information and discovers what the body/mind needs to support its natural ability to heal. I made a snap decision to train with TASK in this complementary natural healthcare system, and have monthly kinesiology treatments. I’m so glad I did!
I was unknowingly eating the wrong foods for me

With kinesiology now firmly in my life I found out I was unknowingly eating the wrong foods for me. There were also more issues I didn’t have full awareness of or even question such as: low energy, joint aches and pains, painful periods, constipation, regular colds and flus, sugar addiction, low moods, low confidence and self esteem, very high levels of stress, having a victim mentality, loneliness and grief after my mum died 3 years prior, boredom in my office job and generally feeling stuck and unhappy in my life. In retrospect, now my reality has changed dramatically it’s easier to look back and pinpoint these distressing experiences.
My issues of tiredness and bloating after eating had been slowly building
Because these issues had been slowly building over time I didn’t notice them, it was my version of normal. If I had been healthy, well and clean eating and then woke up one day to experience all these things, alarm bells would have been ringing immediately! I would have spoken up about it and sought help sooner.
Frog Principle – Slowly Coming to the Boil

The frog principle is a great analogy to explain this. If you put a live frog in a pan of cold water and heat it slowly on the hob it won’t notice the increasing temperature and the threat to its life, until oh too late! Poor frog. If you have the pan of water already boiling and try to drop the frog into it, it will sense the intense heat and hop far away, unless it isn’t so lucky, falls into the pan and dies pretty much immediately. This is something we are all prone to – we don’t notice the small changes in our health, until our bodies and minds really start shouting with sharper pains, increasingly frequent bouts of flu, tearfulness every day etc. We are incredibly stoic and accepting about pain and discomfort, but the “carry on regardless” attitude doesn’t necessarily work in our favour.
Digestive discomfort and aches and pains only happen now when I’ve indulged too much in “treat foods”
Having sidestepped this tendency thanks to my training and regular treatments. Nowadays I know what foods my body likes best, which is incredibly empowering and reassuring. Digestive discomfort and aches and pains only happen now when I’ve indulged too much in treat foods. However, I now know how to get myself back on track and I do! Because I have learned how to support myself emotionally too.
I am much more consistently happy
I very rarely get colds, viruses or the like now. I’m much more consistently happy and motivated to do what brings me joy. I am confident, have very little stress. I feel empowered and in charge of my feelings and experiences in life. Tiredness & bloating after eating is a thing of the past, plus I love my job.
So, since 2015 I have experienced a complete turnaround of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. I trained in kinesiology, left my office job, moved out of London and set up my own business doing what I love in Glastonbury. I was absolutely new to kinesiology in 2015 and by early 2018 had become a fully qualified, insured, practicing systematic kinesiologist. That’s quite a quick turn around!
Sharing my personal story with you is a great way to demonstrate that kineisology works. It was because I’d had enough of bloating and tiredness after eating and didn’t want to accept this as my lot in life that I sought help, was curious about kinesiology and the rest is history!
Kinesiology – A Toolkit for Supporting Health
Kinesiology is a relatively young new offering to the vast array of complementary therapies on offer in the UK. It was created by chiropractors and doctors in the US in the 1960s. There is a mis-perception that kinesiology is limited to muscle testing and asking the body verbal questions to find answers relating to food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies. It is so much more than that!

Hanna Sharpe trained with TASK in London before relocating to Glastonbury at the start of 2018 to set up her kinesiology practice. Kinesiology has helped immensely with her health and she is delighted to work with others to help them too. Hanna specialise in stress, anxiety, grief and digestion.
You can contact Hanna via her website https://hannasharpekinesiology.com