Kinesiology can help with weight issues
Clients initially have Systematic Kinesiology for many different reasons, however, overtime, they often mention their diet and how to maintain an ideal weight. Some clients express they would like to lose a few pounds, that last stubborn half a stone, or have more to lose after being on countless diets. Other clients struggle to keep weight on or bulk up, which is equally challenging and frustrating for some.
Rebalancing the body generally with Systematic Kinesiology in the unique MCPE way which looks at eMotions – Chemistry – Physicality – Energies can change weight and its distribution within the body in visibly positive ways.
Is your weight a sign of an imbalance within?
A body either hanging on to excess weight or not allowing weight to increase is often a sign of imbalance within. However, making a few dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes can be hugely beneficial for health and therefore weight.
One reason diets don’t work long term
One of the reasons diets, cutting down or increasing any old calories usually does not work consistently is that we are not giving our bodies the right fuel and tools for the job. We may also not be consistent in our approach.
Weight can be problematic if the body is out of its sensitive balance.
9 suggestions that may help with maintaining an ideal weight.
- Protein for breakfast, (protein means first in Greek). A protein shake with compote (stewed fruit) and or eggs (if you are wanting to gain weight). This will help to balance blood sugars and keep them stable throughout the day which also helps increase energy.
- Trace minerals. These are not high amounts of minerals for your bones and physical body. These are the minerals that you need a very small amount of (best in liquid form) so they can be absorbed well and provide the body with the tools for the job to perform many electrolytic and enzyme functions that just can’t happen without them. These minerals used to be in the soil for us however due to modern farming methods and pesticides we now need to supplement. Trace minerals usually decrease the appetite, however, interestingly, they will also increase appetite for those who need it. One of the best preparations I know of is a Chinese mineral and herb blend.
- Water. Two litres of filtered water a day to hydrate the body and help weight management. Drink away from food (if you drink water with meals this can have the opposite effect). Drink up to 20 mins before and at least 1 hour after food to aid and boost digestion. If you lose all the water you drink or have oedema (water retention) you may like to take omega oils. Super omega 3 for blood group O and AB. Omega 3,6 & 9 for blood groups A and B.
- Stop eating salad and raw foods for a month or two. Some raw food in our diet is good for us (especially in season). However, when our bodies are imbalanced and stressed it can be inflaming and have the opposite effect. Raw food can either keep weight on or prevent it going on. It can also contribute to constipation and loose bowels depending on metabolism. Cooked fruit and vegetables are great instead.
- Stop eating processed sugars. Sweet treats, alcohol and white food and grains turn straight into sugar within your body and can cause havoc. Again, weight issues can vary with sugar depending on metabolism. Some gain weight and some just get thinner and thinner. We even see this in children. Just because someone is thin and eating sugar does not make them healthy or unaffected.
- Blood group diet – below are the major avoids for each blood group.
–A Blood group – All red meat (including pork), potatoes, wheat, milk, cows cheese, bananas, tomatoes.
– B Blood group – Chicken, duck, pork, wheat, tomatoes , bananas.
–AB Blood group – Caffeine, pork, corn, wheat, peppers.
– O Blood group – Wheat, milk, potatoes, corn, cows cheese, lentils, kidney beans.
We suggest you read up on the major avoids and the major beneficial foods for blood group and work with those without needing to follow the whole plan. - Emotional stress release. We can’t always change our stresses but we can change the way we think and feel about them. We can also change how they affect our body. Lie down and put the palm of one hand over your forehead and the other palm over the back of your head at the same time. Think of your pressure, upset, anxiety, worry or stress while you hold your head. Take some deep breaths and feel yourself relaxing. It may get harder and harder to concentrate on your problems. This technique can help tummies feel more comfortable. More on Kinesiology and emotional stress.
- Eat your dinner sitting down at a table as early as possible, preferably before 7pm.
- Sleep. Ideally going to bed at 10pm (or earlier) to get at least 1 and a half hours sleep before midnight. This changes our stress cycle and weight around our middles. Or if underweight allows your nervous system to calm and weight go on.
These can work within one month
Countless clients and students over the years who have followed the suggestions above have found they can help change weight within a month.
We really can walk the talk and allow our inner health to show and glow on the outside. We look forward to hearing of your successes. Email us here to let us know.
Find out more about how Kinesiology can help you.
Disclaimer: Food Supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet. Always consult your Doctor or Pharmacist before taking food supplements when you are on prescribed medication.