The Thyroid gland is beautifully shaped like a butterfly and has two lobes (like wings) either side of the bridge or Isthmus (like the body of a butterfly). It is a lovely brownish red colour, is rich with blood vessels and also nerves that are important for voice quality to pass through it.
The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate vital body functions including the body’s metabolic rate (the way our bodies use energy), as well as heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development, mood and bone maintenance.
I think there’s something wrong with my thyroid
Over the years I have had so many clients say to me ‘I just don’t feel right, I think there is something wrong with my thyroid but the doctor says I am fine’. Blood tests will only show a problem if you are out of the NHS normal ranges, however there can still be a sub-clinical imbalance producing symptoms within those ranges and also the issue just may not be showing up in pathology….yet.
Some of my clients never got any answers or confirmation of any imbalance until they came to be tested with Systematic Kinesiology. Others went back and forth to their doctors with symptoms for years only to be suddenly told yes, you do now have a thyroid problem and you need medication. I can understand the frustration of knowing there is something not right with your health and feeling unwell only to be being told ‘there is nothing wrong with you’.
A Systematic Kinesiologist can detect an imbalance of the thyroid gland
A Systematic Kinesiologist will not diagnose any thyroid condition. We can detect an imbalance of the thyroid gland and find root causes and ways to regain balance, allowing symptoms to drop away. Many people experience feeling sluggish, tired, constipated, may have gained weight, have painful and or cracked heels, hair loss, experience drastic heat changes although have cold hands and feet. The above symptoms suggest the thyroid is under-active. This is known as Hypothyroid. Other people may experience having more energy or fatigue, muscle weakness, losing weight but eating more, hair loss, feeling wired, anxiety and rapid or irregular heartbeats which can suggest that the thyroid is overactive. This is known as Hyperthyroid.
With any of the above symptoms Kinesiology can help. Everyone is as different on the inside as they look on the outside, it is not a one size fits all fix.
The Thyroid gland is a very emotional gland
The Thyroid gland is a very emotional gland. It is linked to being able to express ourselves verbally, therefore, if we have issues around the area of communication it can throw the thyroid out of balance. It is also linked to inner rage, again mainly unexpressed. However, the thyroid can also be depleted if we are expressing ourselves angrily and inappropriately and blaming everyone else for the way we feel.
How could Systematic Kinesiology help the Thyroid?
Systematic Kinesiologists look at the whole person with any imbalance as everything we feel, do and experience affects us if different ways to anyone else. We look at:-
- Stress levels and emotions
- Nutrition that maybe needed to give the Thyroid the tools for the job to work efficiently
- Foods that may need to be temporarily removed
- Lifestyle
- Structure
- Exercise
- The Teres Major muscle that is related to the Thyroid gland
- All other endocrine glands that maybe having an effect on the Thyroid
Specialised techniques to balance the Thyroid
Systematic Kinesiologists then use a series of specialised techniques to balance the Thyroid.
Lymph is activated to the Thyroid (lymph feeds and cleans cells carrying away toxins)
Blood is sent to the area to oxygenate and nourish the Thyroid via the vascular system
Bespoke nutrition is found to support the particular imbalance found
Foods are tested that may affect the Thyroid in a negative way
Emotions released-related stresses and emotions are discovered and balanced
Exercises that may further help the lymphatic and vascular systems are explored
Meridians (energy pathways) are bushed to allow the flow of energy to be restored
Acupressure points to allow meridian energy to feed and nourish the Thyroid.
Some or all of these factors may need addressing and it will be different for each person as we are all wonderfully unique.
If you are suffering with your health, and suspect your Thyroid may have an imbalance or you would like to get to the bottom of any health issue. You may like to get checked by a qualified professional Systematic Kinesiologist. If so please go to to find your nearest practitioner.
Note: We also recommend that with any health issue that you consult your doctor.