A guest blog post written by TASK Graduate, Antonia Beamish (Edited by TASK).I love to write about fear because it can be such a consistent companion in my life without me even realising it’s there.That’s the way fear works, it can be really subtle, hanging out just below the current of consciousness so that we can’t see, feel or hear it. Instead, we’re just blocked in our life but we don’t know why.Tend fears like weeds in a gardenFear takes up sacred space in the garden of our minds, … [Read more...] about Moving Through Fear Toward The Life You Choose
Is Berberine, natures Ozempic? Balancing blood sugars and aiding weight loss naturally.
Managing blood sugar levels is a vital aspect of overall health, and if looked after well, it can prevent all kinds of conditions including hypoglycaemia and diabetes.Ozempic is a pharmaceutical drug that is used to try to help maintain the blood sugar levels of those with type-2 diabetes. Berberine is a natural compound found in several plants, that has gained attention for its potential to mimic the effects of medications like Ozempic in blood sugar management. In this blog we will discuss … [Read more...] about Is Berberine, natures Ozempic? Balancing blood sugars and aiding weight loss naturally.
Exploring the Ileocecal Valve: How Systematic Kinesiology Can Offer Relief from Ill Health
The human body is a complex and intricate system of interconnected parts, each playing a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. One such lesser-known but essential component is the ileocecal valve (ICV). Situated at the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine, this valve regulates the passage of digested food, prevents backflow, and plays a pivotal role in gut health. When the ICV malfunctions, it can lead to discomfort and digestive issues. In this blog, … [Read more...] about Exploring the Ileocecal Valve: How Systematic Kinesiology Can Offer Relief from Ill Health
Should I Be Taking Probiotics?
A guest blog post written by TASK Graduate, Rachael Kennard-Wall (Edited by TASK).So often when I’m treating patients in the clinic with digestive issues I hear them say the same thing. “I’ve tried probiotics and they don’t make any difference, they don’t work." Leaving them despondent. In many circumstances the probiotics were never going to be the right thing for them - We’ll discuss why that is during this blog post. By the end, you will be dutifully informed and much clearer in the … [Read more...] about Should I Be Taking Probiotics?
Prostate problems and how Systematic Kinesiology can help
Currently in the U.K., one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. Every man has a prostate although I find most don’t know how to look after theirs and prevent problems especially as they get older. This blog post will look at prostate problems and how Systematic Kinesiology can help.Prostate functionMany men don’t know about the prostate's function, what it looks like and where it is situated within their bodies. I also find that sometimes men don’t complain or go … [Read more...] about Prostate problems and how Systematic Kinesiology can help
Kinesiology is Electric and Empowering
A guest blog post written by TASK Graduate, Gavin Luck-Jones (Edited by TASK).Many people may think Kinesiology is woo-woo. However, it is SCIENCE and here's why.Imagine the brain is the central control system in your body's power network. From the brain descends the spinal cord. Together they make up the central nervous system. From the central nervous system extends billions of threadlike fibres known as nerves. These nerves make up the peripheral nervous system. The two systems work together … [Read more...] about Kinesiology is Electric and Empowering
The Invalidation Culture
Its been apparent over the years just how many people feel completely invalidated by other people in many or all areas of their life. Invalidated in the work place, from so called friends and yes even with their own family. Invalidation is the rejection or dismissal of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviours as being valid and understandable. Invalidation can cause significant damage or upset to a person's mental health and well-being.Apart from being and feeling loved the next most … [Read more...] about The Invalidation Culture
Who Do You Think You Are?
No, this is not about ancestry! An ancient proverb states: “As a person thinks, in their mind and heart, so they are, or so they become”. What we think about, determines to a large extent who we are.The Power of ChoiceIt is our minds that think. Life presents us with an endless stream of options. To select which of those options to pursue we decide by the ‘POWER of CHOICE’. It is every human being’s greatest power.One often hears a person saying, “I have no choice”. This is never true. We always … [Read more...] about Who Do You Think You Are?
Systematic Kinesiology – MCPE & The Amazing Role of CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid)
What makes Systematic Kinesiology© Unique?Systematic Kinesiology uniquely addresses all aspects of a person simultaneously. The Mental, Chemical, Physical, and Energy (M.C.P.E). The ‘Yin-Yang’ symbol we use represents the God-given LifeForce that enlivens the mind, and triggers every breath and heartbeat from birth to death. Few health practitioners in the world are conscious of the unseen Power represented by the Yin-Yang which is at the centre of, and controls every action and function of … [Read more...] about Systematic Kinesiology – MCPE & The Amazing Role of CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid)
The Importance of Hydration and Electrolyte Balance to Health and Wellbeing
Clients are very familiar with their Kinesiologist talking about the importance of adequate hydration. Dehydration is the cause of many symptoms:Dehydration and ConstipationThe times a kinesiologist most commonly discusses the need for hydration with a client is when they are experiencing constipation. A good metaphor to use is something that popped into my head when explaining to a boy a couple of years ago.Have you ever been to a water park? Did you notice how easy it was to go down the flumes … [Read more...] about The Importance of Hydration and Electrolyte Balance to Health and Wellbeing
Allergies and You
As Systematic Kinesiologists we are seeing increasingly more people suffering from food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities that affect them in many different ways. For example: bloating, constipation, loose stools, IBS, excess wind, discomfort, falling asleep, tired all the time, joint pain, and a lowered immune system to name just a few. Systematic Kinesiology sessions offer non-intrusive muscle testing to detect foods that are either Biogenic (give us energy) Biostatic (neither … [Read more...] about Allergies and You
How Systematic Kinesiology Supports People With Long-Term Health Conditions.
I was recently invited to give a talk on Systematic Kinesiology at a Bristol-based support group for people experiencing long term health conditions, with a particular focus on fibromyalgia and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also known as M.E.). The talk would explore how Systematic Kinesiology supports people with long-term health conditions and would provide those attending with the opportunity to experience kinesiology through some live demonstrations. A guest blog post written by TASK Graduate, … [Read more...] about How Systematic Kinesiology Supports People With Long-Term Health Conditions.
Restore Hope, Faith and Joy in getting well, with Systematic kinesiology
I have just been teaching The Advanced Communication Training week on our TASK Practitioner Course and we were discussing how sad it is when clients or students arrive with little or no hope and faith over ever getting better. They feel like they may never be free from their debilitating symptoms having ‘tried’ everything. They feel their joy has been sucked out of them as a consequence of nothing working. Receiving a hopeless prognoses leaves people disempowered with their own health. So how … [Read more...] about Restore Hope, Faith and Joy in getting well, with Systematic kinesiology
Menstrual Cycle – Female Hormone Balance and Systematic Kinesiology
Every woman's menstrual cycle is different. It is a complex system that is controlled by many different glands and the hormones they produce. The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28–29 days, but this can vary between women and from one cycle to the next. The length of a menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of your period to the day before your next period starts.A guest blog post written by TASK Graduate, Gavin Luck-Jones (Edited by TASK).What are the signs and symptoms of … [Read more...] about Menstrual Cycle – Female Hormone Balance and Systematic Kinesiology
Lyme Disease and Systematic Kinesiology
What is Lyme Disease? Lyme Disease is an infection caused by a bacteria called Borrelia Burgdorferi which is carried by ticks mainly from deer. However, they spread to other species like squirrels, mice, voles and also our pets (so deer are not always the culprit). They also cling to grass (mainly long) and hop onto a host who is mostly unaware even when they are bitten. Although over 1000 people are diagnosed with Lyme’s disease each year in the U.K., many more go undiagnosed (up to … [Read more...] about Lyme Disease and Systematic Kinesiology