As Systematic Kinesiologists we are seeing increasingly more people suffering from food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities that affect them in many different ways. For example: bloating, constipation, loose stools, IBS, excess wind, discomfort, falling asleep, tired all the time, joint pain, and a lowered immune system to name just a few. Systematic Kinesiology sessions offer non-intrusive muscle testing to detect foods that are either Biogenic (give us energy) Biostatic (neither … [Read more...] about Allergies and You
4 Foods to avoid for optimal health
I have noticed over the years of running my Kinesiology practice that more people than before are suffering from food sensitivities. As a rule of thumb, we find that there are 4 foods to avoid for optimal health.Food sensitivitiesSensitivities to food are often confused with allergies. A food sensitivity is when we eat a food that takes more energy to digest than it gives us. Leaving us with a deficiency of energy that can build up. We often don’t know what foods we are sensitive to as their … [Read more...] about 4 Foods to avoid for optimal health