As Systematic Kinesiologists we are seeing increasingly more people suffering from food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities that affect them in many different ways. For example: bloating, constipation, loose stools, IBS, excess wind, discomfort, falling asleep, tired all the time, joint pain, and a lowered immune system to name just a few.
Systematic Kinesiology sessions offer non-intrusive muscle testing to detect foods that are either Biogenic (give us energy) Biostatic (neither give us or take energy away) and Biocidic foods (deplete energy from us) so we can adjust our diet accordingly and make it work for us.
In 1964, Dr George Goodheart D.C., I.C.A.K. discovered the principle of Applied Kinesiology (A.K.) muscle testing. Interestingly, Einstein stated that whenever a new ‘truth’ is discovered, it takes fifty years to become public knowledge.
In 1976, my father Brian H. Butler was first to pioneer A.K. in Britain, Europe and Australia (known as Systematic Kinesiology S.K.) Since then, S.K. has helped hundreds of thousands to experience improved health and well-being.
In 1982, my father with myself and Stephanie Mills founded The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (T.A.S.K.) to offer basic Foundation classes for all, and Professional training for those who wished to become qualified registered practitioners.
‘Allergies and You’ the video, was 30 years ahead of its time
In 1983, my father made a video called ‘Allergies & You’ which was thirty years ahead of its time. The video includes input from Dr. Adenyyi Jones, a medical doctor who was a member of the Royal College of Physicians, a Physiotherapist, a State Registered Nurse, a mother and others, attesting enthusiastically to the unique value of M.C.P.E. Kinesiology in their work and also with children’s lives. I am also in there somewhere heavily pregnant with Lottie so a real family affair.
You may like to take the time to watch this historic 52 minute video which you can view below.
If you would like to have a Systematic Kinesiology session please go to .
If you would like to learn how to muscle test and be empowered with your own and your family’s health go to to find out more.