If you have a question not answered here, please get in touch.
Q: Is there a minimal educational requirement to enrol on your courses?
A: No not for the Foundation course. Students who attend the Foundation Course all start together at the beginning of the Kinesiology Journey no matter what their background. To enrol on our Practitioners course students need to have completed the Foundation Course however to receive their Kinesiology qualification students also need to have an Anatomy and Physiology certificate (may be taken before or after the practitioners course). Students on our Diploma Course will need to have attended the Practitioner course and passed their exam and will also need a nutrition certificate to receive their Diploma. Every class we run will only have students learning and training at the same level as yourself. We do not mix classes of students who are at different stages of their Kinesiology training and all our courses cater for the different ways students learn and absorb information.
Q: I am a little confused as to which course to attend. I run a very busy practice as a fully qualified and highly experienced Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Masseur. I feel that Kinesiology would benefit my clients greatly but wondered where to start?
A: The Foundation Course (Six weekends or 12 Wednesdays) is the course you need to enrol on. After completion you will be able to add Kinesiology to your current modalitys insurance and charge a professional fee.
Q: How long is the Foundation Course?
A: The Kinesiology Foundation Course takes place on six weekends or 12 Wednesdays spaced out over six months.
Q: Do I need to take all levels in order?
A: Yes, you need to complete the Foundation Course weekends/weekdays in sequence.
Q: Can I use the Foundation Course for CPD?
A: Yes and a certificate will be provided.
Q: Will the Taster Evening/Event explain the concepts of Kinesiology?
A: Yes. The taster event gives you an introduction to Kinesiology and the Foundation course. The evening consists of explanation and a number of demonstrations on willing participants.
Q: Will I have to do homework/case studies at Foundation Level?
A: Yes there is homework and 12 case studies to complete for your Foundation certificate. Although if you wish to do the Foundation course just to use on yourself friends and family you do not have to complete the homework. However TASK finds that students who complete their case studies and practice grasp the concepts of Kinesiology more thoroughly.
People also ask
How do I train to be a Kinesiologist UK?
Learn with The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK). The first, largest and longest running training school in the UK. The founders of Systematic Kinesiology in the UK and the only original accredited school by Dr. George Goodheart and Dr.John Thie. TASK has many fully accredited tutors teaching all around the Country. TASK courses are accredited and accepted in the UK and Europe.
How do I become a qualified Kinesiologist in the UK?
Begin with The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK) Foundation (beginners) course, followed by the TASK Professional Practitioner Course to become a qualified Registered Kinesiologist and practice professionally. Diploma level is optional as a post graduate course. Fully Accredited in the UK and Europe.
Where can I study Kinesiology in UK?
The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK) is based in Surrey and London although have many accredited tutors teaching all around the Country. TASK were the founders of Systematic Kinesiology in the UK. TASK is the only original accredited school by Dr. Goodheart and John Thie from the United States of America. TASK courses are accredited and accepted in the UK and Europe.
Is Kinesiology hard to study?
No, anyone can learn The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK) Foundation course in Systematic Kinesiology (SK) to empower their own lives and those of friends and family promoting better health and well-being. Although a complex subject learning SK with TASK makes it easy. TASK was the first and is the longest running Kinesiology Academy in the UK and Europe and have been teaching authentic SK for over 40 years.
What is a Kinesiologist UK?
A Systematic Kinesiologist (SK) is a natural health care practitioner who uses muscle response testing to tap into the electrical biofeedback system between the brain and body to find the root causes of imbalances/symptoms. An SK practitioner will look at and address Stress/Emotional responses, Nutritional deficiencies, food intolerances, digestive disturbances, Physical aches/pains, and the energy drains of the client that effect the immune and hormonal systems.
What do Kinesiologists do?
An authentic Systematic Kinesiologist trained by The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK) will put the client’s limbs in various specific positions and apply gentle consistent pressure which is the muscle testing method. The muscle response will either be strong, spongey, or weak. Where weakness is found the Kinesiologist will be able to determine what is behind or responsible for that imbalance. The Kinesiologist will then test various supplements and remedies, massage lymphatic points, run energy lines and hold acupressure points to correct. There are also many specialised techniques that may need to be applied.
What do I learn on the Kinesiology Foundation course?
How to muscle test reliably, how to test for food intolerances, how to test for supplements, how to release emotional stresses, how to detect energy drains, how to find the root causes of problems and symptoms. Students then learn how to correct muscle weakness, energy drains and body imbalances that have been detected. Students also learn about lifestyle and how by making small changes one can experience significant benefits to health and well-being.
How long does kinesiology take to work?
Usually with Systematic Kinesiology practitioners (trained by The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology) benefits will be felt from the first session although for significant long-term changes 3-6 sessions are suggested.