Well you know how when you are stressed or upset you can find yourself automatically putting your hand over your forehead? This is actually a natural reflex to support you during those times, although the secret is to leave it there while you are in distress….. This supports blood flow to the front of your brain that deals with forward thinking, problem solving and rational. With Kinesiology and muscle testing we are able to look into any imbalance further whether emotional or physical and test out what that particular person needs to help them in a deeper lasting way.
The TASK team are really looking forward to Camexpo and sharing Kinesiology with you all. Whether you choose to have a taster session on the couch or are wondering about training with us, come and visit our stand (no 1316) where you can find out more.
Working with Authentic Systematic Kinesiology to find the root of the problem.
Claire E. Muller. Dip.A.S.K.