What is Lyme Disease?
Lyme Disease is an infection caused by a bacteria called Borrelia Burgdorferi which is carried by ticks mainly from deer. However, they spread to other species like squirrels, mice, voles and also our pets (so deer are not always the culprit). They also cling to grass (mainly long) and hop onto a host who is mostly unaware even when they are bitten.
Although over 1000 people are diagnosed with Lyme’s disease each year in the U.K., many more go undiagnosed (up to 100,000) and are misdiagnosed due to the current ELISA testing which is only 59.7% accurate (although some of those are false positives and negatives). With 4-6 cases out of 10 either being misdiagnosed or slipping through the net completely testing clearly isn’t accurate enough.
So what are the symptoms of Lyme disease?
- Usually a Bulls eye rash between 1 and 7 days after the bite. However, only 30-40% of Lyme patients develop a rash. The rash can also appear up to 10 weeks later.
- Fever (only 20-30% people get this)
- Headaches
- Exhaustion
- Dizziness
- Myalgia ( muscular skeletal aches and pains)
- Stomach ache & Diarrhoea
- Depression & mental health issues
- Tremors
- Encephalitis
- Cognitive problems
- Heart problems (can be serious)
What does the doctor offer Lyme disease sufferers?
If Lyme disease is diagnosed – a course of antibiotics is given which is sometimes needed for a month or two. Apart from that, there is nothing more to offer within orthodox medicine, however help through natural methods are at hand.
If not diagnosed and caught early – muscle and joint pain can move around from one place within the body to another. Sufferers can feel very unwell one day and better the next. If untreated, Lyme can cause very unpleasant and sometimes serious health problems.
Without quick treatment the Lyme disease bacteria can alter the immune system to attack healthy cells and spread through the blood stream persisting within the body.
Misdiagnosis of Lyme disease
The below are highlights from research by Dr Schwarzbach PhD medical doctor and specialist for laboratory medicine in Germany:
- 90% of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients are Lyme positive
- Most fibromyalgia patients are Lyme positive
- Borrelia can cause Parkinson’s
- Pure Lyme dementia exists and has a very good outcome with antibiotics
- From a Fight Lyme Now survey asking Lyme patients’ when you first reported or presented your symptoms to the NHS what initial diagnosis were you given? In response, the top 10 diagnoses were
- Fibromyalgia
- Psychiatric disorder
- ME
- Post viral infection syndrome
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Lyme
- Sleep disorder
- Autoimmune condition
- Gastroesophageal Reflux disease
The Fight Lyme’s Now group which I am privileged to be a part of is lobbying to push forward a far more accurate way of testing using T-cells. We are also educating people to understand that there are natural methods to help people heal from Lyme’s through Systematic Kinesiology.
Systematic Kinesiology (SK) and The House of Lords
I had the honour of being asked to speak at the House of Lords on this subject, my SK presentation was very well received by the doctors who were there from all over Europe and the Peers. We will be back at the House of Lords or the House of Commons in Autumn 2022 talking to a lot more influential people in the hope of updating testing and treatments.
Dr Chris Newton was one of the doctors present at the House of Lords Lyme event and his research with COVID-19 found that other natural factors were relevant in prevention and cure and feels that is also the case to help prevent and treat Lyme’s too, including:-
- Nutrient transfer, gut microbiome and immunity
- Food groups and inflammatory triggers
- Antioxidant and metabolic support
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Magnesium and manganese
- B vitamins
- Zinc
- Phytonutrients (ie: carotenoids & flavonoids)
How can Systematic Kinesiology help with Lyme disease?
With Systematic Kinesiology, when helping people with Lyme disease to rebalance, we look at the whole person with TASK’s unique approach Mentally, Chemically, Physically and Electrically (MCPE) and not only the immune system. Since good digestion is at least 50% of a healthy immune system being able to defend and protect the body from pathogens, we are looking to help build that system up as well as the nervous, intestinal and lymphatic systems which all contribute in helping the body to regain balance.
M (Mental) – stress and emotional upsets can assist and contribute to Lyme’s (or any health issue) flare ups. Science has proved the phenomenon of psychoneuroimmunology which means everything we think immediately affects our immune systems. So stress/upsets/negative thoughts about ourself or others instantly and dramatically lowers our immune systems. We use emotional stress release techniques to help stresses and mindset.
C (Chemical) – Food intolerances tested and removed plus tested bespoke nutrition introduced. Having a challenged and lowered immune system will inhibit the way we break down and absorb nutrients that our body needs to heal. We use various techniques to boost the digestive and immune systems.
P (Physical) – Looking at easing muscle and joint pain, removing toxins through intestines and lymphatic system that have been dumped away from the heart and vital organs and put ‘somewhere safe’ like in the joints. We can correct the valves in the gut and reset our microbiome to change our physicality.
E (Electrical) – Nourishing and balancing the core energy networks such as Meridians and Chakras to allow constant flow for increased vibrant health and wellbeing. We use acupressure and acupuncture based techniques (no needles only touch) to move energy around the body.
A Systematic Kinesiologist is not ‘treating‘ the Lyme’s disease. Rather they are finding the root causes and treating the Person with Lyme’s (or any other condition) to help their body come back into balance. This allows the healing process to begin and the symptoms to drop away.
Muscle testing
Systematic Kinesiology uses muscle testing to assess the balance of the body through the electrical biofeedback system. The test is performed on the muscle, an electrical signal is sent to the brain to assess, which in turn, sends an electrical signal back to to the muscle being tested with a physical answer of strength, meaning balance, or weakness, meaning imbalance.
Once an imbalance is detected, Kinesiologists may then apply a plethora of corrective MCPE techniques to address all areas thus facilitating the return to the natural state of the body…which is to heal.
If you would like to see how you may benefit personally from Systematic Kinesiology, please go to www.taskuknetwork.org to find your nearest practitioner.
If you would like to learn to benefit yourself, your children and family’s health or your current clients with simple (easy to follow) but incredibly effective techniques, then the beginners Foundation Course is for you.