Its been apparent over the years just how many people feel completely invalidated by other people in many or all areas of their life. Invalidated in the work place, from so called friends and yes even with their own family.
Invalidation is the rejection or dismissal of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviours as being valid and understandable. Invalidation can cause significant damage or upset to a person’s mental health and well-being.
Apart from being and feeling loved the next most important feeling for us human beings is to feel understood and validated as a person, with our feelings, in our personal achievements and in our life choices.
It seems that the general population is all too ready to invalidate by criticising , judging and tearing others down. This not only brings the person on the other end of their words immune system crashing down but will also bring their OWN immune system down.
Invalidation affects the stomach and spleen energy
Within Systematic Kinesiology (SK) and eastern medicine, a lack of sympathy, validation and being misunderstood is known to affect the stomach and the spleen. These organs are susceptible to imbalance with all the above feelings.
Lack of sympathy/validation/understanding can bring the stomach function down and can lead to stomach upsets, an under or over stomach acid environment, stomach pain/discomfort, lack of appetite or comfort eating.
These feelings can also bring the spleen function down and can lead to lower immunity, fatigue, blood imbalances and feeling anxious and pressured.
If the stomach and the spleen are stressed and imbalanced too much or for too long and unable to self correct with homeostasis it can put pressure on the bladder and the kidneys. This can lead to kidney or bladder ache/discomfort, feeling like you need to urinate all the time, urinary tract infections (even low grade ones that don’t show with the usual dip tests) or lower back ache.
SK treatments can help us work through our feelings and emotions
Systematic kinesiology can help us to let go of old triggers and patterns, build our self esteem and confidence and also balance the affected organs to allow symptoms to drop away.
Bach flower remedies can help with emotional issues and our physical one too! Invalidation affects us all differently so here are some indications of how different remedies can help.
Bach Flower Remedies for Stomach Symptoms
Clematis – lack of focus absent minded.
Honeysuckle – if we feel ‘those were the days’ (in the past) or homesick.
Sweet chestnut – dreading future events, seeing certain people or circumstances.
Bach Flower Remedies for Spleen Symptoms (low immunity/fatigue)
Agrimony – putting on a brave face with lots of internal worry and feeling pressured.
Century – feelings of being walked all over.
Hornbeam – for that Monday morning feeling/ here we go again monotony.
Oak – feeling pushed beyond your strength.
Walnut – protection from others energies.
Bach Flower Remedies for Bladder Symptoms
Mimulas – if we feel anxious or fearful
Mustard – deep gloom for no reason
Walnut – protection from others energies.
Wild rose – resignation to nothing changing
Bach Flower Remedies for Kidney Symptoms
Aspen – for all the ‘what if’ future worries.
Cherry plum – desperation fear of losing control.
Gentian – self doubt and depression.
Holly – feeling angry and prickly.
Olive – emotionally exhausted.
Rock rose – Feeling terrified, scared rabbit in the headlights.
Walnut – protection from others energies.
Sometimes we can feel helpless, got at, and be accused of being over sensitive with our emotions, although people who invalidate others don’t feel good enough about themselves which is sad and a viscous circle. If we invalidate others we can learn that the problem is with ourselves not them.
Working through negative behaviours whether we are dishing them out or receiving them is key for us all to live in harmony together building each other up seeing/wanting the best for everyone. We may then be able to move forward into a caring uplifting culture of validation.
To help with choosing which Bach Flower Remedy is for you TASK has created a ‘Colour Card Test For Client Selection Of Bach Flower Remedies.’ It is a 30 minute training with TASK Principal Claire Muller demonstrating and explaining how to use this fool-proof system for selecting Bach Flower Remedies accurately for yourself, family friends and clients. If you have an interest in Bach flower remedies you too can learn this skill. Click her to find out more and purchase.
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