Last month I spoke about self care and nurturing ourselves on all levels. This month I want to expand on that and talk about giving and receiving in balance. Many of us are practicing Kinesiologists or therapists and so we are giving a lot to our wonderful clients, including our time, knowledge, skill, care and attention. Because of this it is important that we are aware of whether we are receiving the same level of care, love, time etc for ourselves? Are we giving ourselves the gift of balance?
Kinesiology is all about balance and so it stands to good reason that we need to apply this to ourselves as practitioners. We can utilise the energy of this time of year to evaluate whether we feel we have received enough for ourselves or not and whether we need the gift of balance.
Winter is a great time to go inwards to reflect and let go of what is no longer serving or working for us.

The last couple of years have been challenging to say the least and so it may be that the level of self care we require is more than before.
It isn’t always easy to recognise what we need to recharge ourselves or to recognise how much we give as practitioners. Below I have named some of the ways.
Do you recognise how much you give?
- Thoughts – Thoughts are energy and we are 100% concentrating on our clients wants and needs. In a session (and often outside of sessions) we are thinking of muscles and techniques to test that may be a priority to fix, to help people with their problems. We then need to think out of the box if what we initially thought doesn’t test out.
- Knowledge – We are drawing on all that we have learned, sharing our knowledge and experience with our clients. We use our knowledge to find the right nutrition, words, exercises and techniques etc and then use our skill to explain why this will support/help them regain balance.
- Education – We educate our clients in holistic health and offer beneficial lifestyle changes which are often as important as the treatment.
- Physically – We can give out a lot of physical energy during a whole session, with all the tests, rubbing the lymphatics, structural corrections and so on.
- Energetically – Mindfully holding the MEI points which are transferring and balancing energy around our client’s body and acting as ‘jump lead’ so to speak. Helping your client understand themselves and work through their emotions with all the amazing techniques that electrically allow new pathways for realisations, thought patterns and behaviours. Running and flushing meridians to refresh and unblock their energy.
Ways to give and nurture yourself
- Create joy – No one else is responsible for arranging what brings us joy. It is our responsibility to balance it in our lives whatever that personally means for us. Make a list of all the things that bring you joy and commit to doing at least one joyful thing a day.
- Eat well – What we put in our bodies has a direct effect on what we get out of our bodies. If we put rubbish in then we can then feel rubbish. Be mindful of what you are eating. Eating local, seasonal foods organic foods is a great way to feel good. As Kinesiologists we also need to be taking our own bespoke supplement regime as if we are not committed to this we cant expect our clients to be.
- Movement – Move your body in ways that you enjoy. High impact exercise isn’t right for everyone. Tune into what kind of movement helps you to feel good, be that walking, yoga, swimming, or dancing for example, and then do it daily.
- Unplugging – In an era of technology it is expected that we are ‘switched on’ and connected all the time. However, this isn’t a balanced way to be and can cause a build up of electrical energy in our bodies. Switching off electrical items in the house, including our wifi, phones etc can be a wonderful way to cleanse our homes and bodies electromagnetic build up.
Receiving what feels good on a regular basis helps us to restore balance and stay well.
Do whatever you can to give back to yourself and recieve gift of balance. Make you your first priority. Book that kinesiology treatment for yourself, or the massage you’ve been promising to have for ages. Do a swap with a friend who works in another health modality and make it a priority to receive in this way at the very least once or twice a month. If you take the above on board for yourself you will be a better all round practitioner and for the long haul preventing burn out.
Wishing you a wonderful, happy, and healthy festive time.
Claire x