“Tutor to student ratio was high. You are accepted for who you are.
Claire is a vibrant and exuberant teacher”
Emma: Hi Saadia thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. What brought you to train with The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology?
Saadia: I used to work in financial services, I was one of those triple A people-worked 80 hours a week, always on the go, out in the evenings, exercising in the mornings and the doing a full days work… I was one of those… (laughing)
Emma: That’s a big shift
Saadia: (Laughing) yeah it was huge. I had a really bad break up, I got really sick, I couldn’t get out of bed, I had a lot of emotional issues, I think I was just internalising everything. I didn’t know what was wrong.
When I was a child I was always interested in natural medicine and wanted to study it but my parents wanted me to be a doctor, lawyer, banker etc so… so I forgot. But when I got sick I went the natural route of healing, which is where I found out about Kinesiology. I started to get better, and then I started to remember that this was what I loved and that I was so interested in natural medicine.
I did my foundation course in 2012 with a trainer closely linked to TASK.
From the first time I walked in I knew….this is what I have to do forever. I finished my foundation in 2012 and the next year I enrolled in Claire’s Practitioner Course. You know there were a few around, but TASK was the most well structured – it didn’t seem as… voodooy (laughing) you know not intangible but very well structured, it’s very clear and when you look at the syllabus it feels like it has credibility, you know?
And TASK as an organisation has been around for so long so they know what they’re doing. I also asked around about several schools and TASK was the name that kept emerging with positive feedback.
So I started and it was absolutely brilliant! It was the next level, it was like wow I’m gonna learn how to treat people professionally! The course notes were incredible and they stood out from all other courses I’ve done, including nutrition, energy healing, (I’ve done quite a few things).TASK… they lead in content and what’s cool is that the notes are regularly updated, a lot of schools’ haven’t been updated for like a thousand years (laughing) so you can tell they’ve invested in the content.
Emma: What was it like on the course?
Saadia: The class was quite large, I think like there were like 30 people on my course but the teacher/student ratio was large. What made TASK really, was that you are learning whist you are healing, because how can you possible take care of anyone else if you haven’t dealt with your own stuff? Other schools don’t do that, they’re like here you go, here’s the content, watch the demo, off you go!
When I had finished the Practitioner training I became a part time Kinesiology and by the end of the Diploma level I went full time….yeah I had a lot of childhood trauma and a lot of fertility issues and it was like a running joke that you have to be careful because you could get pregnant because you get… so well/healthy (laughing). It was actually on the course and because of the course I think, that I actually met someone and fell in love, erm…..I saw Claire for some treatment and then we had the emotional module (which is part of the course) and by the end of it I was pregnant! So….and all the doctors told me that it would probably never happen. It was then we decided I was going to run my clinic full time and leave financial services….and that’s what I’ve done!
Emma: Wow what an amazing story. How did you manage to build up such a thriving practice in what seems like a relatively short period of time?
Saadia: It’s not easy, TASK helped a lot, so we had a few modules on how to start your clinic, how to take care of your accounting, your set up, how to attract more clients- that sort of thing, which helped. The other thing is that we had finished our course but we still support each other. We have multiple Facebook groups and my course mates – we still talk to each other when we need advice.
Emma: What would you say to anyone wanting to or thinking of starting the course?
Saadia: For me the course was life changing on all levels, professionally, personally, physically, emotionally – on all levels. Task is where you go to live Kinesiology…ooh that’s a good one, I should use that! (laughing) you know with TASK you don’t just learn or observe Kinesiology, but you truly LIVE it.”
Emma: Thank you so much Saadia for sharing you story with me.. I just hope my recorder has been on (laughing)
Saadia Baig can be found at www.havenkinesiology.com