What makes Systematic Kinesiology© Unique?
Systematic Kinesiology uniquely addresses all aspects of a person simultaneously. The Mental, Chemical, Physical, and Energy (M.C.P.E).
The ‘Yin-Yang’ symbol we use represents the God-given LifeForce that enlivens the mind, and triggers every breath and heartbeat from birth to death.
Few health practitioners in the world are conscious of the unseen Power represented by the Yin-Yang which is at the centre of, and controls every action and function of the person.
T.A.S.K. teachers and practitioners of MCPE Applied Kinesiology acknowledge the power of that LifeForce and the Seven Factors of the spinal Inter-Vertebral Foramina (IVF).
- Nerve (N) The electrical impulses in nerves that control all body functions
- Neuro-Vascular (NV) impulses that control blood flow everywhere in the body.
- Neuro-Lymphatic (NL) impulses that control lymphatic fluid flow that feeds and cleans all tissue.
- Acupuncture Meridian Connector (AMC) sends impulses to each specific meridian.
- Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Carries complex Energy signals from the Brain that control all functions of the its organs, and physical body
- Nutrition sends IVF signals to control digestion, and the distribution of nutrients to the whole body.
- Emotions affect the spiritual/mental, chemical and physical aspects either to the detriment, or to the benefit of a person. M.C.P. E. ‘balancing’ effectively restores emotional calm and mental strength.
The Energy and Wonder of it All
The ‘scientific’ world’s researchers examine, test, and explore the physical aspects of the functions of the body. As a result, there exists a vast amount of information concerning human anatomy, physiology, neurology, and bio-chemistry, but apparently little about the ‘energy’ or the wonder of it all.
Take the example of a single cell organism. This one cell can reproduce itself, find & eat food, digest it, expel waste matter, and unbelievably (though true) has a built in ‘outboard motor’ (flagellum) with which it moves about to look for food. Amazing!
Appreciate the unseen Miracles of Cerebrospinal Fluid Energies
When anyone learns something ‘new’ to them, they are often excited by the new knowledge. After a while, familiarity, if it does not ‘breed contempt’, may result in that excitement evaporating. This ‘new’ information about CSF, IVF and Lymph has again filled me with excitement and wonder.
Production, Functions and Contents of Cerebrospinal Fluid
CSF is produced by the Choroid Plexus in the brain and it circulates around the central nervous system (CNS). Also, layers of the Choroid Plexus form a selectively impermeable membrane that prevents liquids or gases from passing through it called the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Having a pH 7.33 it contains small quantities of Proteins, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium, all essential trace minerals, and Urea. The BBB is formed in loops, that in good health are joined tightly. If these loops slacken for any reason, this can allow unwanted material to go through the BBB. This creates allergy, sensitivity, or energy and life-force issues. Systematic Kinesiology tests can often reveal that some nutritional products may solve this problem.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Functions
- Buoyancy: The brain weights 1,400gms, but due to the presence of CSF creating a ‘bath’ that surrounds it, it has a net weight of only 50gms.
- Protection: CSF acts as a shock absorber which helps prevent damage from the brain hitting the skull.
- Regulation: CSF regulates the flow of vital metabolites that surround the brain, keeping its function stable.
- Waste disposal: Waste products produced by the brain are excreted into the CSF, that drains them back into the bloodstream.
Flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid
In the beginning, when Applied Kinesiology was being discovered in 1964, it was the accepted notion that CSF was contained within the subarachnoid space which starts in the brain, and continues down to S2. It is circulated by the ‘CSF Pump’ which is the contra movements of the occiput and the sacrum which happen with every breath twelve times a minute.
Later, opinions changed and some thought and taught (including myself) that the CSF ‘leaked’ out of the IVF’s into the tissues. New findings indicate that this is now not considered to be so…However….
CSF Carries ENERGIES with Information that Flows to Every Part and Function of the Body.
The incredibly complex information concerning every aspect of the functions of our bodies is generated in the brain where it is absorbed into the CSF. The CSF carries this Energy as it is transported by means of the ‘CSF Pump’ to all the Inter-Vertebral Foramina (IVF’s) of the spine from the atlas and cervical vertebrae, to the thoracic and then the lumbar vertebrae, to the sacrum. These specific complex energies then flow from the IVF’s to ‘manage’ and control all functions of the cells, tissues, organs, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the entire body are all part of achieving balanced homeostasis.
New Information about the Functions of Lymphatic Fluid
We understand that Lymphatic fluid feeds and cleans all tissues through which it flows however lymph also picks up the ‘feedback’ from the CSF energies wherever it flows. Then, the lymph moves from the interstitial spaces that surround cells, through the body via its own network of vessels, and makes the one-way return journey to the subclavian veins at the base of the neck. Since the lymphatic system does not have a heart to pump it, its upward movement depends on motions of the muscles, which is why regular exercise is so important.
Once circulating again in the blood, these ‘feedback’ energies are picked up and recognised by the brain, and used for ‘intelligence’ to make the decisions concerning the constant needs of the entire body.
This information clarified for me the way the brain sends electromagnetic signals via the CSF and the Inter Vertebral Foramina (IVF) to the whole body and receives feedback information as the lymph flows back into the bloodstream and thence to the brain. This system works perfectly so long as the person is in good health. When robust health is impaired to any degree, these functions are also impaired.
In Systematic Kinesiology we have an amazing technique which can help to restore improved function of the flow of these energies. The technique is called ‘Blood Chemistry’. Simply by activating two sets of acupuncture points in the correct order the ‘Innate Intelligence’ of the body is enabled to balance many of these specialised energies and the blood itself. This has been proven by the results of blood tests taken before, and even a few seconds after the technique is used, that show remarkable changes in aspects of Blood Chemistry. So, we suggest testing this at some point during your sessions.
To quote Michael Cain’s famous catchphrase: “Notta lotta people know that.”
Greater Knowledge and Understanding lead to Wisdom.
Enjoy. Brian H. Butler B.A., D.O., F.A.S.K. 10 Feb 23
If you would like to know more about learning Systematic kinesiology click here
Image Credits:
Euglena – Encyclopædia Britannica
CSF – Blausen.com staff (2014) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebrospinal_fluid