Blog post by Claire Muller, TASK Principal
What I have observed within my career as a Systematic Kinesiologist is that as adults we spend so much time looking after everyone else’s needs, whether it be at home for the family or at work with colleagues/bosses or both, we forget and or don’t have time to look after ourselves. One of the benefits of having a Systematic Kinesiology session is that we have time to think about ourselves and our lives in new ways and on a deeper level. We can learn how to increase our self care using Systematic Kinesiology.
When we say self care we mean daily self nurturing on all levels including:-
- Emotionally/Spiritually – What gives us daily pleasure to feel truly happy and joyful?
- Chemically – What are we feeding and watering ourselves with and putting into/onto our bodies on a daily basis?
- Physically – What are we doing with our bodies for daily exercise and movement?
- Electrically – What are we exposed to daily that may interfere with the intricate electro magnetics of our amazing bodies?
No-one is going to pat us on the back
No one is going to pat us on the back at the end of our lives and say well done for running yourself into the ground for everyone and everything else…Well-done for ending up not really enjoying your own life or becoming unwell because we didn’t see the lack of balance and maybe consequently illness sneaking up on us.
I’m not saying be selfish, but…
I’m not suggesting for one minute that we become selfish. Doing things for others can be a joy and also very good for our health if done in balance. Giving and receiving needs to be balanced for it to be healthy. If we give too much we can become resentful to the one receiving and if we receive too much then we can feel guilty for lack of contribution to the one giving. Either emotion is not good for our health and will plummet our immune system see (psychoneuroimmunology).
Self care with Systematic Kinesiology and the M.C.P.E (mental, chemical, physical, energetical) approach
Mental Realm – Emotionally/Spiritually
We need to nurture this part of our health daily. I am a mother of 4 (2 children still live with me), run TASK and a busy clinic. Like all of us, time (or lack of it)is of the essence!
Therefore, we need to be creative with getting joy into our day, without it being too time consuming or expensive! I LOVE walking, so taking my dog out on lovely walks is one of my joys. Swimming is another, so I do it a few times a week. A relaxing bath with essential oils and candles is another joy, so I also plan that regularly for myself. I also like to read the scriptures and write a gratitude journal each day which I feel nurtures my spirit and soul.
No one else is responsible for arranging what brings us joy. It is our responsibility to balance it in our lives whatever that personally means for us. If we rely on others for our happiness and joy it can be short lived and precarious. I was discussing this with a client last year and when asking about what gave her joy she said ice skating. My next question was how often do you go and her answer was 20 years ago! I asked her what it may feel like to get back on the ice and she ‘lit up’ on the treatment couch and got so excited at the prospect of going. She then arranged this for herself and has never looked back and still comments on how life changing it has been for her to skate again. What daily joys do you have in place?
Chemical Realm
What we put in our bodies has a direct effect on what we get out of our bodies. If we put rubbish in then we can then feel rubbish. If we put good stuff in then we will feel good as a result. Although most of us know this we can still put the rubbish in maybe even as a ‘treat’. However the effect of the ‘treat’ can turn out to be far from a treat for our bodies.
To cope with the environment of 2021 the recommended 5 a day barely touches the sides. We need 10 fruits and veggies a day or even more to keep all our systems healthy and have the ability to detox daily from modern life.
When the day has been hectic we may be tempted not to take the extra 10 mins to prepare the veg and go without. Also looking at the blood group diet by D’Adamo is something that could be highly beneficial to help refine our diet to feel the best we can be and also is fabulous for weight management without ‘dieting’.
What about drinking? Many of us are tired and walking around in a state of dehydration. Tea, coffee & alcohol may be what we feel will pick us up although they have a diuretic effect taking more water away from us than they give.
Water is a pick me up, head clearer and every cell in our bodies need it, although the reward may not be instant. The amount of still water recommended for an adult is around 2 litres and best to be drank away from meals. Therefore, we need to schedule that into our busy days to feel good and clear headed. And if we smoke it’s even more important to have a highly nutritious diet and keep well hydrated until we may be we ready to stop. How mindful are you about looking after yourself with your diet?
Physical Realm
As an adult with a hectic lifestyle this area can also become imbalanced, with either little or no regular exercise or maybe even too much exercise as a way to combat stress. Although the lymphatic system (which is part of our immune system) does not have a pump and relies on movement, as with all areas, it is about the balance of physical movement and also having enough rest for our bodies.
Walking, swimming, yoga and cycling can be great every day activities however, we need to choose what we enjoy! Cardio is great for some and up to 25 minutes does not involve the adrenal glands therefore we have all the benefit of the exercise without over tiring the body. Moving our bodies daily and a longer exercise session of around an hour 3 x a week (subject to our health and also if on mediation advice from the doctor) can be very beneficial for our long term health.
Are you moving your body in ways you enjoy every day?
Electrical Realm
Our bodies produce complex electrical activity in several different types of cells. These include neurons, endocrine, and muscle cells. These cells are called “excitable cells”and their activity also creates a magnetic field.
In Systematic kinesiology we can balance that energy and also work on energy pathways called meridians by brushing them gently or holding specialised accupressure points.
Interestingly, it’s our heart that is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in our bodies, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field around the body. The heart’s electrical field is much greater even than the electrical activity generated by our brains (see HeartMath). This and many other electrical systems within our bodies are affected hugely by our daily exposure to external frequencies and energy’s from computers, phones, tablets, microwaves, phone masts and the new 5G.
We can plan to and put measures in to protect ourselves as part of our self care. We can limit exposure by using an energy dot, putting a spiky leafed plant or a beautiful jagged piece of crystal just by the device to break up the energy and divert it away from you.
Taking a good range of antioxidants for example Vitamins A, C and E to combat the damaging/ageing free radicals entering our bodies can all make a significant difference.
How much are you protecting your body from external devices?
Systematic Kinesiology is all about Balance
Systematic kinesiology is all about helping and empowering balance in every realm of what makes us a whole, wonderfully unique person. The above are good questions we could all do with thinking about, answering and putting in place. If we don’t take responsibility for caring for ourselves then at some point in our lives we may look back and wish we had.
To find your nearest Systematic Kinesiologist go to or to learn Systematic Kinesiology yourself see our upcoming courses.