I have just been teaching The Advanced Communication Training week on our TASK Practitioner Course and we were discussing how sad it is when clients or students arrive with little or no hope and faith over ever getting better. They feel like they may never be free from their debilitating symptoms having ‘tried’ everything. They feel their joy has been sucked out of them as a consequence of nothing working. Receiving a hopeless prognoses leaves people disempowered with their own health. So how can Systematic Kinesiology help restore hope, faith and joy in getting well?
Hope – a feeling of expectation and desire that good things are going to happen
People talk negatively about having or giving ‘false hope,’ which I believe is a contradiction of itself. How can it ever be false to feel and desire that good things are going to happen? When we have hope things change chemically in a positive way within our mind and bodies.
Psychoneuroimmunology is a phenomenon that we have been talking about within Systematic Kinesiology (SK) for over 40 years. Since then science has caught up and proved it. They found when we have positive thoughts about ourselves and others our immune system is immediately boosted. It works in the reverse…When we have negative thoughts about ourselves or others, our immune system’s defences instantly plummets. Therefore, what we think and feel either helps keep us well and strong or contributes to illness and weakness. However, science needs to catch up again. Within SK we see ‘psychoeverysystemology’, meaning that our thoughts either boost all our body systems or bring them all crashing down.
Systematic Kinesiology works and is felt on the mental, chemical, physical and energetical realms. Therefore it is common after a session, to enjoy renewed hope…Hope that we are on our way back into balanced health and this can be extremely empowering for individuals.
Faith – complete trust or confidence in someone or something
Faith is also believing in things that are intangible. Faith is both incredibly physically and spiritually rewarding for us.
Faith in something bigger than us, a higher power, is often ridiculed. It is maybe at times even described as a ‘crutch’. However, believing in a creative energy (whatever that is for you) makes complete sense when you look at magnetism, centrifugal force, capillary attraction and how a baby forms and automatically knits together in the womb. The fact that every cell has electrons continually whizzing around providing electricity for the life force to flow is amazing. However hard scientists investigate these ‘miracles’ of life and energy, they cannot explain or know: how they happen, how they continue to happen or how they came to be. At the end of the day, we can’t ever make anything out of nothing, so these miracles of life have to be made of and driven by something.
Faith humbles and allows us to be open to not know everything. Systematic Kinesiology helps to renew faith in ourselves, our bodies and our innate ability to heal with this amazing higher energy. Amazing energy that we may have forgotten about or taken for granted.
Joy – a feeling of great pleasure and happiness, (tears of joy)
Daily joys are important and it is our responsibility to plan for our own pleasure. Joy can be felt with a hug, a hot bath with candles, being with like minded friends, a view, being with animals, a walk in the woods or by the sea, baking, sport, gardening or arts and crafts, to name a few examples that would not be difficult to bring into our day and are of little or no cost.
When we look at the sheer joy within a child and watch them express it over sometimes incredibly simple things, we can learn a lot. We can learn that as adults we may need more joy.
When I ask clients and students whether they have enough daily joy in their life virtually everyone says no. Sometimes we can forget to feel the joy of something very simple that we do or use every day. Sometimes, we just don’t do the things we enjoy enough, or, we do them unconsciously and forget to feel, acknowledge and express that joy. We need to remember to feel joy on purpose and not ignore it or be ‘too busy’ to feel it.
When we are balanced, relaxed, in better health and at ease within ourselves, it is easier to get in touch and feel joy. Systematic Kinesiology can help with all of those things.
The natural state of the body
Understanding the natural state of the body is to heal, can within itself, promote feelings of hope, faith and joy. Orthodox medicine will have us believe that ill health can just happen for no reason, or it is down to genetics. This can lead us to feel hopeless and powerless. However, for the healing process to happen, our bodies need the right tools for the job.
As always within systematic Kinesiology, we are looking at the unique MCPE balancing method to provide those tools and allow the body to heal.
M – mental aspect. Learning to understand ourselves is key, why we feel, react or behave in certain ways is hugely helpful so we can begin to look at, deal with/change it and let go.
C – chemical aspect. Finding out our individual food intolerances and nutritional deficiencies. Having a bespoke programme for our unique nutrient needs.
P – physical aspect. Finding and correcting muscular and structural imbalances. Doing the right exercise for our body.
E- energetic aspect. Discovering energy blocks and drains. Finding over energy which may result in aches and pains.
Our days are in fact our life, so each day matters
Learning or having Systematic Kinesiology brings all the above to the table. It can renewing Hope, Faith and Joy within ourselves, including our incredible ability to heal.
To learn Systematic Kinesiology go to our Courses Page
To find your local Kinesiologist go to TUKN