I was asked recently what makes Kinesiology such an effective form of healthcare?
There are many unique reasons why Kinesiology is so effective. One reason is the ability to identify the priority root causes and issues that give unpleasant symptoms within the body. We know this by using a technique called priority finger mode.
What sets kinesiology apart from other complementary therapies?
Through muscle testing, we are able to ascertain what is a priority for the body to have addressed and what is ready to be fixed ‘now. By correcting imbalances in the order our body wants, it allows our innate healing system to unblock the way for many other imbalances to be able to ‘auto correct’ as they were only compensations waiting for the root cause to be fixed, allowing them to work properly again. Priority muscle testing is just one of the techniques that I feel sets kinesiology apart from any other complementary therapies.
Clients often have a ‘gut feeling’ the symptom they have is coming from somewhere that may sound strange or unrelated and often they are right. This is a good sign, we need to listen to our bodies more, trust our feelings, instincts and inner knowing. As a practitioner, I am often looking for root causes completely away from where the client is experiencing symptoms. This may mean looking at diet or even emotions manifesting into a physical problem, but with priority, we don’t have to guess.
The body is binary so muscle testing is easy. We either get a strong response or a weak response. The body can only change from strong to weak or weak to strong to show us that something is relevant.
Priority Finger Mode
In Kinesiology we can use what we call a ‘finger mode’ to determine whether something is a priority for the body to be correct now – and whether the body is able to maintain the correction if it is fixed first.
For example, if we have a weak Latissimus Dorsi muscle and we want to know if that muscle is a priority to correct, we can put our fingers in a certain position which changes the electrical readings, this is called priority mode, we can then retest the muscle. If it remains weak, it is not a priority, therefore, we would move on and find another muscle that is. If the weak Latissimus Dorsi now showed strong with priority mode in place, then we would know that this muscle is ready to be fixed and will probably switch on other muscles to optimum performance.
As a rule of thumb, our bodies go wrong in a certain order and they like to be put right in a certain order too. This is not necessarily linked with the chronological order of symptoms or what has sequentially happened in peoples lives, it is simply the intelligence of our bodies.
The body has its own agenda and sometimes we ignore the signs and gut feelings, as life is often just too busy, or we just don’t know what to do about how we are feeling. Kinesiology can come to the rescue and enable your body to reveal what it needs to get back into balance and restore good health.