Clearing emotional issues for balanced health
It has often come to my attention how many of us separate our heads, minds and emotions from our bodies. Even those who ‘know’ they are totally entwined can often forget and overlook this truth.
When dealing with and clearing emotional issues, we need to remember that emotions can and do get trapped in the cells of our body.
Within Kinesiology we work on the emotions that are relevant to the weak muscle, organ or system which is incredibly beneficial. However when we are unwell and or suddenly get a symptom (past throwback or new) we do not necessarily immediately link them with past or present stresses, traumas or negative learned behaviours, especially if we feel we have let them go in our mind
It can take years for our body to reveal stress
Our bodies often take a while to catch up and reveal the toll the stresses have taken on our physical side. Some say it takes 10 years for the body to reveal the stress and sometimes longer if we do not give ourselves a break or feel safe to let go. In her best selling book Louise Hay provides an extensive list of physical symptoms and the emotions that are attached to it, as well as affirmations to help release what is stored in the body and mind.
It is often not until we stop that the body can then be given the space and time to show imbalance through symptoms, which we need to listen to.
We can get stuck in a rut of how we go through and cope with life, because what we have been doing has worked for us in the past. However, as our bodies catch up, the coping mechanisms that did work, have now become the problem that needs changing. For instance if someone used smoking to help them deal with stress and anxiety, there will usually be a time when the body rebells and becomes stressed and anxious with the smoking. This may cause a physical symptom that will not go until the person stops smoking and deals with the emotional root cause.
Another example could be with a person who over exercises to help deal with stress. Over exercising can sometimes lead to tiring the adrenals/glandular system further (on top of the effect of the original stress). The knock on effect of this is the person could become unwell forcing the body to stop and creating the space to truly deal with the issue at hand. So what had helped in the past i.e. exercise, has now becomes an issue.
Our bodies are not machines
Our bodies are not machines that can just keep on going through long periods of stresses without any affect. They are finely tuned instruments with an amazingly complex environment for us to live in. Our emotional state plays a vital role in how our bodies are able to keep in balance.
So when we want to ‘be healthy’ it may not just be enough to look at our diets, and life style. We may need to dig a little deeper, to create some space to listen to the wisdom of our body and use Kinesiology to release any stored emotions, stresses and traumas stored within our physical body to rebalance the body, overcome and prevent illness.
Find out more about our Kinesiology courses or book an appointment at our clinic.