I have many people come to my Kinesiology clinic who want to alleviate skin problems such as; eczema, acne, dermatitis, rashes and urticaria and TASK students are always eager to learn how to help their family and clients who are suffering.
As Kinesiologists, we never make a judgement about what might be the cause of a skin problem. Students are taught how to test their clients’ body to tell and lead them to the solution. That’s what I love about Kinesiology – there is no guesswork at all. We simply need the knowledge and skill of muscle testing, so that the intelligence of the body can communicate clearly what is needed. Then, we can use the tools of our training to set about correcting the imbalance.
The cause of skin conditions can range from simple to complex
Hormone imbalance
Food Intolerances
Immune issues
Intestinal imbalance
Emotional issues such as anger
Digestion problems and more.
The list goes on and sufferers often go round in circles with incredibly uncomfortable and or unsightly skin conditions.
What is Skin?
Skin is the human body’s largest organ and is an active, living tissue. It serves as tough but flexible armour to keep harmful microbes, chemicals or strong rays of light away from more sensitive inner tissues. At the same time, nerves within the skin relay important information about the world around us by sensing pain, textures and temperatures.
From a more holistic viewpoint, our skin is the boundary point where our physical body meets the outside world. There are often times a correlation between how people feel about themselves and their environment. If this is out of balance somehow, it can show up through the skin.
Is someone getting under your skin?
When we are irritated by someone or something, we have the expression “they are getting under my skin” so it’s of no surprise then that our skin could get red and itchy and erupt into spots if we are often angry about someone or something.
Kinesiology takes the guesswork out of wellbeing
With Kinesiology we don’t have to guess what is going on behind the scenes and causing an imbalance (thank goodness!)
We can test the skin non-intrusively using muscle testing and the body can show us where the imbalances lie and what it needs to regain it. Muscle testing is the foundation of all our work and it is taught and reviewed at all levels of TASK courses, especially the Foundation Course.
Do skin creams work?
Often, people buy or are given topical creams to put on their skin and although they can help temporarily, they mainly only work in the short term, with symptoms returning as soon as the cream is stopped.
This is because the cause of a skin problem is usually from within. The reason that the skin shows the problem is because often it is the safest way the body can push it out, in an attempt to regain balance.
There may be one, or multiple layers that the body needs to ‘fix’ before the skin totally recovers. This usually depends on how long the problem has been around. However, in my experience with Kinesiology, although every case is different, most skin problems usually clear up surprisingly quickly.