Breast pain, discomfort, lumpiness, fibroadenomas, cysts, mastitis and menstrual related tenderness have plagued many women (and occasionally men) over the years and continue to do so. Apart from ultrasound, mammograms, draining cysts and the removal of ‘fibrous tissue’ to investigate and rule out cancer, there is very little mainstream medicine can do to help maintain help and maintain breast health.
Within Systematic Kinesiology there is a non-intrusive technique that can remove breast congestion, pain and lumps within minutes and also begin to address the main cause.
What are the causes of breast pain, lumps and congestion?
Whether we know it or not, our breasts are the safest dumping ground for toxins the body is unable to remove effectively from itself through the lymphatic system. Breasts are a safe area, away from our heart and other vital organs, to store potentially dangerous unwanted waste until the body is able to release them safely. However, these toxins could stay there for years and over time cause other more serious health problems.
Our lymphatic system is the river of health for our bodies however if the lymph is not flowing well, gets stuck and stagnant the toxins from particularly the large intestines are deposited in the breasts as they cannot be safely carried away. Many of us are wearing bras that are too small and with underwires all the time squashing them and holding them in too tight disallowing the lymph to flow around and within the breasts. Another stressor is antiperspirants which are basically gluing and blocking our sweat glands, so as the sweat carrying waste cannot get out of the body it can also be put in the breasts.
Constipation or IBS is one of the main causes of breast pain and the conditions mentioned above.
Opening our bowels 2-3 times a day is ideal to allow the body to rid itself of the waste effectively. Many clients who have come to me for help do not defecate every day. Some only do so 2-3 times a week. In the most extreme cases I have had, it’s once every 2-3 weeks! I want to stress that some of these clients did not consult me for their constipation as they thought or had been told by their doctor it was ‘normal’ as everyone has different working bowels. They came with all kinds of related health problems. One good bowel assessment is if we are needing lots of wiping of sticky stools or passing rabbit droppings/hard small stones this usually means we are not having the right amount of dietary fibre.
If you look at nature and EVERY other mammal, they eat and poop. So, if we are having 3 meals a day, ideally, emptying after at least 2 of the meals makes sense. This should be a natural evacuation without forced medication or laxatives which only irritate.
The large intestine is like a bin, and we know how quickly our house bins begin to smell and ‘go off’ if we don’t empty them regularly. The body is just the same, although we cant see or necessarily smell the bin because it’s inside us. However, there are clues to how happy our bowels are. The smell of our gas is one of them If our poop smell fills the whole bathroom and we need to warn people to “leave it a few minutes before you go in there” then that is a good sign that things are not as they should be.
Of course, waste is not going to smell great, however, good working bowels that have had the correct tools for the job (good, varied diet of fresh and fibrous foods like fruit, veg and whole grains although NOT bran and wheat) should not really smell much at all. By the time we have flushed and washed our hands, someone should be able to follow us in without an offensive aroma.
The main foods that can cause inflammation and problems for our gut are:
- Wheat
- Milk
- Refined Sugar (fruit is fine).
Food the gut loves:
- Freshly prepared fresh foods
- Green or brightly coloured fresh food that are varied every day
- AND 1.5 to 2 litres of water EVERY day AWAY FROM FOOD.
Five portions of veggies and five portions of fruit is ideal. The usual ‘5 a day’ is not enough fibre for the body to rid itself of all the toxins from modern daily life.
If our diet is rich in soluble and insoluble fibre and our Ileo-caecal valve (door between our small and large intestine) is intact and our bowels are working well every day then our breasts will not become the dumping ground for toxins from the gut.
Beware of blocking your sweat glands
Another area that will dump toxins into the breasts are the sweat glands in the armpits. If we ‘glue’ them up with antiperspirant the toxins in the sweat can’t get out and have to go somewhere, you guessed it-in the breasts. Swapping to a natural deodorant is hugely helpful to breast health, our quest to be healthy inside and out and not suffer with breast congestion.
Is an ill-fitting bra contributing to breast pain?
Most women in the U.K. are wearing bras that are too tight and completely the wrong size for them this Most women in the U.K. are wearing bras that are too tight, completely the wrong size for them and this affecting breast health adversely. Ill-fitting bras can cause restriction to the lymph (whose job it is to clean and carry off toxins from our cells) flowing in and out of the breasts.
With regards to mastitis, we can suffer from this whether we breast feed or bottle feed as initially the breasts will still be producing milk with sometimes nowhere for it to go and they can become engorged with milk that gets stuck and hardened due to a blocked duct or infection.
Every situation is different and of course bottle feeding may be the only option in some cases, if this is the case we may wish to look at ‘Nanny’ which is a goat formula suitable from birth. However, where possible for baby and mother breast is usually best. Breast feeding for over 12 months cuts down the risks of breast cancer by 4.3%.
Another benefit of breastfeeding is our uterus contracts and ‘pulls in’, allowing our bodies to reset therefore helping our tummies to flatten quicker and our breasts to do their job.
Kinesiology addresses all the above symptoms, provides relief, and also offers a unique technique to help clear the breast congestion/pain, that we can also easily learn for ourselves
How else can I help myself now?
- Eat a varied fresh food diet cutting out wheat milk and sugar.
- Drink 2 litres of water a day away from food.
- Predominantly wear non underwired bras that fit.
- Rebound on a mini trampoline to refresh lymph and boost flow
- Switch from using antiperspirant to deodorant.
- Evening Primrose Oil for painful premenstrual breasts.
- Check your breasts regularly
- Use the book ‘Your Breasts’ which includes many life changing tips including learning how to massage our breasts effectively to refresh lymph flow.
Reading ‘Your breasts what every women needs to know now’ is hugely beneficial for us to maintain good breast health, including useful tips, learning quick and simple techniques for ourselves and for sharing with others before problems arise. Click on the above link and use the discount code Book250 to receive £2.50 off the usual price.
If you would like to see a Kinesiologist to address any of the above issues please go to TUKN to find your nearest SK Practitioner.
PLEASE NOTE: Most breast lumps are benign however in all cases where a breast lump is found we urge you go to the doctors to get it thoroughly checked out.